
What clients are saying about the Annual Package…

“Yoga is a deep and true connection to my body and mind. In our crazy lives, yoga reminds us to take care of our mind and body. This year was the first time I joined a yearly yoga class and I am feeling so grateful to have found Sivan’s course. This year was full of new challenges to me and yoga development was part of it. Sivan accompanied me and directed me exactly in the direction I wanted to take. Sivan also has a credible knowledge of the body and I was amazed how she guided me in my practice to release some of my shoulder and ankle pains. I didn’t know that yoga could fix such pain. Above of the technical side, Sivan knows how to make classes energized, sweet and funny! The girls and the energy within the group are also amazing. The best yoga experience ever. ” Yonna

“Sivan, your classes are nothing less than a gift! Even though I have a very busy schedule, I make great efforts to come to class because I know it’s the best thing I can do for myself. It’s the yoga of course, but it’s also you; Besides being a super talented and professional yoga teacher, what makes it a pure gift is your patience, support, humor, affection, empathy, modesty, and love. You simply spread the love and make everything so human. What more can we want?” Maya

“Sivan, I can’t thank you enough for the yoga you’ve brought into my life. It is therapeutic, restorative, and very healing. Especially this year, I’ve found your classes to be very focused on us getting a tremendous amount in our weekly classes and each time leaving with a healthier mind and body! I can’t thank you enough for helping me help myself and I feel it’s impact everyday. I even take the time everyday to practice a few positions that benefit me tremendously. But mostly your awesome teaching style and thoughtfulness regarding each student and their individual needs is very admirable and appreciated! Thank you so much!! Can’t wait for September to come and kickstart a new year of classes!!”  Tobi

What clients are saying about the Midlifeline…

“I’m getting so much out of the Midlifeline course. When I do the practice – usually following your sequence videos – I feel so much better mentally, physically, and emotionally. Even my husband has noticed the physical changes in my body from this practice. 
This is a huge paradigm shift for me. I have spent most of my life trying to exercise in a way that would make my body feel like it was getting a hard “work out.” I didn’t realize that I wasn’t giving my nervous system the rest it needed. I felt pain in my back and neck and didn’t connect that to my emotional state. So much freedom is happening for me now. When I hike or walk outside, my body craves the yoga poses later in the day as a stretch and release. I love the content lectures that we have each week. I want to understand my body and all of the mechanisms that I have taken for granted.”

“I have completed the Midlifeline course, and I can’t even pinpoint what has been the best part. I’ve learned so much about my body and anatomy and as a ballet teacher, I’m able to apply that knowledge right away and help my own students! Sivan has so much to offer…it really blows me away. There are many people that can teach yoga, but Sivan teaches so much more that. She has helped me to become accountable in my yoga practice…it doesn’t matter what is going on in my life, even if I barely slept the night before, I get up in the morning, breathe, get into a simple yoga pose and it just changes my brainwaves! I start to hear her voice and it is an amazing way to start my day. She is the whole package.” Amy

“I joined Sivan Goldhirsh’s Midlifeline coaching program and it has been a true blessing. The approach is totally holistic, it’s not only amazing yoga, it’s about finding our true self; she has given me tools to cope with my inner stress and her mindful approach has helped me be more present and centered in my daily life and activities.  We have a support group and meet through zoom every week. I have met women that are going through similar experiences as me and it has given me confidence and trust to face my own challenges, including hormonal changes.  I listen to the videos and practice yoga a few days a week and with Sivan’s advice I’m journaling which helps me review my progress and more than anything it helps me to feel and be more positive.  I also noticed that I’m feeling more energized and have a lighter feeling in my body due to the daily yoga, breathing and meditation practice that Sivan included in the program.” Hanna

Other testimonials…

“I came to practice yoga on a weekly basis with Sivan looking for support for several chronic medical conditions as well as stress and general anxiety. I’m a former professional ballet dancer with a yoga practice that began 20 years ago after the birth of my first child. Since a young age I’ve maintained strength and flexibility though I was constantly fighting off pain. I sought out Sivan’s instruction because with her deep knowledge of yoga and anatomy combined with a sincere commitment to her students’ total well-being she is uniquely able to integrate lessons that offer solutions not only to physical pain, but emotional and psychological support, that fortify the entire experience. The atmosphere generated in her class inspires a cohesion that enriches the entire group. It has become a favorite time in my week that has changed my approach to the way I move through my days.” Danielle

” I always saw shoulderstand as one of those poses that was for the real yogis, but not something I could do. However, Sivan is the type of teacher that makes you realize you can do a lot more than you think. She taught us shoulderstand in a two-day online workshop, where we learned the background of the pose and the benefits, and went over the pose verbally, with videos and live instructions, so that when we actually tried it, we were very well prepared. I couldn’t believe that I was able to do it, but I was! It was very empowering to be able to do something that seemed so challenging. Yoga with Sivan has been a steady-moving force that has changed my thinking about what my body can do; and an overall paradigm shift that has translated to other areas of my life.” Rachel

I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years and have studied with many teachers in several countries. Sivan is hands down one of the best and most profoundly attuned teachers I got to know and study with. Her rare intuitive perception is guided by deep knowledge and vast experience, and her care and compassion for the person in front of her are just extraordinary. I still carry and cherish the guidance I received from Sivan in my practice, years later.” Shira