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Sweet Sleep

Us humans really need sleep. No matter how varied our schedules, how much we can push ourselves, or how much coffee we drink, at some point, the body shuts down and absolutely MUST recharge. In fact, our design dictates that as adults, we need approximately 1/3 of our daily hours allotted to this activity! We know this, we know…

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Weight of the World

The weight of the world on our shoulders. It’s true, women in particular struggle with neck and shoulder problems. Part of our problem is that the thoughts that swirl around in our minds constantly can weigh heavily upon us. Is it not in our nature to take on others pain and struggle? With worry and…

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Your Fabulous Feet

It’s all about the base. Our amazing feet accomplish quite a feat (pun intended) in how they support and transport us for our entire lives. However, many of us have bad habits in our foot care and a lack of understanding of how important proper activation and alignment in our feet impacts our posture and…

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What are they good for? When I was being assessed for teaching certification at the Introductory II level of Iyengar Yoga, one of the assessors spoke emphatically on the use of the karmendriyas in teaching our beginner students. The karmendriyas are the organs of action: in our asana practice, we are primarily concerned with the…

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