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The Four Seasons

As women, we cycle through the four seasons each month, but they also represent different phases of our lives. Without judgement, let’s look at what each season has to offer… Do you still cycle regularly? Even if you are not so regular anymore, you may find you have even more information to pay attention to.…

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No Limits

The process of starting my online business has been incredibly eye opening. And a bit of a roller coaster. One day, I am scaling heights that I never dreamed of…feeling creativity flowing, learning new skills and accomplishing concrete tasks. I feel full, optimistic, and so incredibly excited for a new future. However, even that same…

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What are they good for? When I was being assessed for teaching certification at the Introductory II level of Iyengar Yoga, one of the assessors spoke emphatically on the use of the karmendriyas in teaching our beginner students. The karmendriyas are the organs of action: in our asana practice, we are primarily concerned with the…

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