About Sivan

Hi, I’m Sivan Goldhirsh…Welcome!

I’m so happy you made it to my website. Home is where the heart is, and I’ve always found my home to be a place of comfort, grounding and inspiration. This is the experience that I work to cultivate in my body, my living quarters, and hopefully, also this site.

I know how overwhelming the virtual world can be; we are so lucky to have such a wealth of information at our fingertips, yet figuring out what to do with all of it can be confusing and discouraging! I hope to offer some new and useful perspectives to you in your unique journey. To bring some strength and inspiration as you live your best life.

Women go through so many transitions in their lives…from my experience, when I’ve been at home in myself, these transitions have been times of growth. I believe that we are all capable of finding meaning, growth and positivity in our transitions, even if they challenge us. Perhaps, because they challenge us.

The Dancer Years

In my first stage of life, I used to be a professional ballet dancer. This was a great gift in my early life to be able to pursue and achieve a dream in such a competitive field. I can honestly say that while I was good enough to reach the ranks of professional, I was never a superstar. This was humbling in a balancing way and taught me a strong work ethic. It afforded me incredible experiences, an insight into the creative process and a depth of knowledge of my body and movement. These experiences and the connections with the fantastic, gifted artists I had the pleasure to work with deeply informed who I was and how I thought. Being a dancer was my identity. But this would not be my identity for life.

Yoga Mama

The seeds of my yoga interest were actually planted while in college years earlier. I often turned to a yoga practice to cope with physical ailments and injury during my dancing years. Upon retiring from dancing, yoga became a place where I could be “in” my body, but from a different angle. It took me quite a while to see myself through this new lens, but a shift had been made. 

My immersion into yoga throughout four pregnancies, births and while raising those four young children, challenged long held beliefs about my body’s capabilities and the mindbody connection. A new identity was born when I became a mother and so much of what I had thought I knew was pushed to the test. I had to keep learning certain lessons over and over before they took root. So many challenges in motherhood! Despite my reading nearly every parenting book out there, there was no playbook for my life. I needed to discover how to take care of myself while taking care of my babies.

The Birth of Women’s Nurture

I gratefully embraced the gifts of yoga and found my deepest passions realized in teaching. As a certified Iyengar Yoga instructor and pulling from nearly 20 years of meditation practice and eliciting the Relaxation Response, I created Women’s Nurture to address the growing needs I noticed in my community of women friends.

What began in 2018 as a modest group of 7 women, meeting weekly to recover our connection to ourselves through yoga and conversation, has grown to a suite of in person and online programs. Accessible to women around the world, who can learn the tools to nurture themselves to be the best self they can be. To learn to be at home within themselves, no matter where they are.